
1.   Crashes when launch the application or import a layout setting file

a.    It maybe cause by the change of the unique ID of object. In the LinsUI Layout Manager, once an object is assigned to a unique ID, the ID should not be changed anymore. If it needs to be changed, then there are several ways to prevent the mess up.

1)    Open the AssemblyInfo.cs which resides at Properties folder of your project. Add the following to the file,

using LinsUI;

[assembly: FlexVersion(1)]

Every time you need to change a unique ID of an object, you need to increase the version number, such as, from 1 to 2. In that way the LinsUI Layout Manager will use the programmatic setting to avoid mess-up.

2)    Delete FlexUILayout.xml file which is located under the directory defined by FlexUISettings.AppSettingPath.